How Long

When I lived here, a common question that would thread through conversations was one of how long. How long have you been here, and how long are you going to be here. I’d have these conversations with both expats and Ghanaians, and I loved being able to answer the first part in years and the […]


A few weeks ago, I watched Everything is Copy, a documentary about Nora Ephron by her son, Jacob Bernstein, a New York Times journalist. He probed his mother’s life and her adage that created the title of the doc, the notion that everything, and everyone, in a life is fodder. Ephron’s family, friends and foes […]

Flights of Fancy

It’s been just over a year since I developed a fear of flying. It came on a snowy morning, when I was due at the airport, and there was news of a plane that had crash landed short of the runway the night before. There were no fatalities, no major injuries, but for the first […]

On the Run

One winter, I was on a short-term reporting contract in Victoria. After 18 winters in Nova Scotia and a couple more in Toronto, the season on southern Vancouver Island was a revelation that spoiled me, never a fan of the cold, for good. During those snowless months, I rented a room in a house near Oak […]

What the Cat Saw

The choice was between a white kitten and an orange kitten. I was going through a Garfield phase so the agreement was that I got to pick the orange kitten and my sister could pick her name. It was the late summer of 1996. I was starting a new high school, which led me down […]